Keynote speech " Arbeitswelt 4.0 - Kooperation ohne Grenzen?" at the 7th network meeting "REDEN ÜBER STADT"
What competences will be expected and required of workers and specialists in the future, especially junior staff? What methods and technologies are available for the necessary knowledge transfer? Does a global perspective play a role in solving local challenges?
These and many other questions were discussed at the 7th "Talking about cities" network meeting.
GWT Innovation Centre Director Prof. Dr Thomas Köhler, who holds a professorship for educational technology at the Institute for Vocational Education at TU Dresden and is also Director of the CODIP - Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation, presented an overview of the current state of research and technology.
Together with his team, he also conducts research into the key topics of eLearning and knowledge cooperation, educational organisation and technology or virtual organisations and implements the results obtained in operational practice.