Reference projects contract research
Energy revolution
Development of unused heat potentials
KollWeb 4.0
Agrothermics enables an efficient, robust and safe heat supply by using arable land and open spaces. A research project at TU Dresden is developing technologies and a machine system for geothermal energy production.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Herlitzius
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Industrial contract research
SINA - Efficient shift schedule creation
Efficient shift schedule creation
The SINA project investigates the influence of train crew ratios on shift planning in local rail transport. A new algorithm and software solution enable efficient staff deployment, cost reduction and simplification of the planning process.
Prof. Dr. Buscher
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Learning space architecture
Planning office Digitale Hoch.Schule
State-of-the-Art Expertise in the Architecture of Hybrid Learning Spaces
The planning office Digitale Hoch.Schule: Integral design of hybrid learning spaces with expertise in media pedagogy, digital media and learning space architecture for sustainable educational environments.
Dr. phil. Lars Schlenker, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Rainer Noennig
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Energetic renovation
Semper Opera Dresden
Renovation of the stage tower
The Semper Opera House in Dresden undergoes an energetic refurbishment of the stage tower. GWT and Prof. Grunewald are developing two design variants for the stage tower roof to reduce energy consumption in cooperation with the monument protection authority.
Prof. John Grunewald
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Building physics investigations
Bismarck Monument Hamburg
State-of-the-art building physics at the Iron Chancellor
The Bismarck Monument in Hamburg is being renovated due to unstable statics and moisture damage. GWT-TUD GmbH is conducting structural-physical analyses before the renovation of the monument and the surrounding Alter Elbpark begins.
Prof. John Grunewald
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C3 – Carbon Concrete Composite
Paradigm shift in construction
Carbon concrete
C3 carbon concrete offers a sustainable, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient alternative to conventional reinforced concrete, enables lighter construction and reduces CO2 emissions in the construction industry.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Manfred Curbach
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Aquatic Ecology
Protection for an endangered asset
Effects-based monitoring for surface waters
Dr. Jungmann and his team at TU Dresden are developing effects-based monitoring strategies with in vitro bioassays for surface waters and wastewater to ecotoxicologically assess trace substances and detect environmental pollution.
Dr. Dirk Jungmann
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A Strong Alliance
Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences relies on the services of GWT-TUD GmbH
Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and GWT-TUD GmbH cooperate successfully in over 90 projects, linking science and business and promoting sustainable research with industry-related expertise.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch
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