Innovation Centre ● Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Rainer Lasch

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Rainer Lasch
Dresden University of Technology
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Chair of Business Administration, in particular Logistics
Georg-Schumann-Bau, Room 437
Münchner Platz 1-3
01187 Dresden
Phone +49 351 463 37470
Fax +49 351 463 37779
Short Vita
- 2013: Best Paper Award: Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference
- Since 2009: Dean of Studies for Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
- Since 2006: Scientific Director of the Competence Centre for Logistics and Corporate Management at Dresden International University
- Since 2002: Visiting professor at the Università degli Studi di Trento
- 2003: Awarded the ‘Innovative Teaching Concepts’ teaching prize, Dresden University of Technology
- 2000-2003: Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics
- 2000: Honoured with the Stinnes Logistics Award 2000
- Since July 1998: Holder of the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Logistics at the Technical University of Dresden
- 1997-1998: Deputy Chair of Business Administration, in particular Logistics at the Technical University of Dresden
- 1998: Habilitation with a thesis on ‘Market-orientated design of logistics processes’ at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Augsburg
- 1992: Doctorate (Dr. rer. Pol.) On the subject of ‘Pyramidal representations of multivariate data’ at the Institute for Statistics and Mathematical Economic Theory at the University of Augsburg
- 1983 - 1989: Studied business mathematics at the University of Augsburg, graduating with a degree in business mathematics
Research and development
Development of a user-friendly planning software ‘Logistics Toolbox’, which allows the solution of practical problems
Investigation of the effects of digital transformations on the relationship and collaboration dynamics in supply chains and production networks
Study on the impact of additive manufacturing on logistical subsystems
- Analysis, modelling and optimisation of equipment and processes
- Energy-efficient processes and systems
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