Innovation Center ● Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Wolf & Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Nebel-Töpfer
Industrial and organizational psychology
Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Nebel-Töpfer
insicht- entdecken und entwickeln GbR
Nieritzstraße 5
01097 Dresden
Phone +49 351 873 29333
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Wolf
innsicht - entdecken und entwickeln GbR
Nieritzstraße 5
01097 Dresden
Phone +49 351 873 29333
Short vita
Short vita
- 2012 - Doctorate on the topic of "Organization-related self-esteem in the Company and health"
- 2005 - 2012 research associate at the TU Dresden
- 1999 - 2004 Studies of Psychology at the TU Dresden
- since 2003 - freelance lecturer
- since 2006: Consulting and training services together with Dr. Claudia Nebel-Töpfer as owners of the company innsicht-entdecken and develop
- since 2007: freelance project manager of GWT-TUD GmbH, project implementation together with Dr. Claudia Nebel-Töpfer
Research and development
- Organizational consulting and risk assessment of mental stress for companies
- Development & promotion of a healthy corporate culture
- Support of change processes in the agile work environment
- Training and coaching of managers and employees in the company
- Risk assessment of mental stress
- Work design
- Healthy Leadership
- Employee surveys
- Recruiting & Assessment Center
Training and coaching:
- Executive coaching
- Violence prevention & de-escalation
- Performance coaching
- Motivation
- Rhetoric & Presentation Techniques
- Resilience & Personal Resource Work
Reference projects
Within the framework of the cooperation, well-known companies, for example from the banking and insurance sector, the telecommunications industry or aviation, have already been supported and subsequently advised in the risk assessment of mental stress.