Innovationszentrum ● Dr.-Ing. Daniel Ziplies
Applied Thermodynamics

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Zipplies
University of Technology Chemnitz
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Institute for Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Professorship of Technical Thermodynamics
09107 Chemnitz
Phone +49 371 531 37448
Fax +49 371-531-23449
Short Vita
- Employee of the Professorship of Technical Thermodynamics
Research and development
- Heat and mass transfer
- H2 technologies for sector coupling
- Analysis, modelling and optimisation of equipment and processes
- Energy-efficient processes and systems
Reference projects
- Developement of a compressor model with freely adaptable parameters for a well-known German company in the field of energy and heating solutions, with the help of which the most meaningful measuring points are to be determined for subsequent optimisation
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