5th Rare Lung Disease Symposium & 22nd Pulmonary Hypertension Conference
● Radebeul (Radisson Blu Park Hotel & Conference Centre)
Dear colleagues,
in 2023 we will meet again for the joint event series "Symposium für Seltene Lungenerkrankungen Tagung Pulmonale Hypertonie" at the Radisson Blu Hotel in gorgeous Radebeul for this meeting.
At the "Symposium für Seltene Lungenerkrankungen Tagung Pulmonale Hypertonie" we will this time focus on non-tuberculous mycobacteria, rare causes of fibrosing ILDs and the difficult field of pulmonary complications after lung transplantation. Rare differential diagnoses in typical pneumological blockbusters such as bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumonia, and lung carcinoma will be examined again from a new perspective.
The "22nd Pulmonary Hypertension Conference" (22. Tagung Pulmonale Hypertonie) will again focus on several aspects of pulmonary hypertension. Increasingly, it could be important to distinguish between PAH with and without comorbidities and, if necessary, to select therapy accordingly. In addition, therapy for chronic thromboembolic lung disease with and without pulmonary hypertension may continue to be challenging.
The goal of the symposium is to present the most important information on rare but relevant lung diseases and to enable you to apply this information directly to your daily practice.
The symposium is certified by the Saxon Medical Association (Sächsischen Landesärztekmammer) with 7 continuing education points!
We would be glad to welcome you on 26.08.2023 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Radebeul.
Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Koschel
Head of Pneumology
University Hospital
Carl Gustav Carus
Head Physician Internal Medicine/Pneumology
Specialist Hospital Coswig
PD Dr. Michael Halank
Chief Physician Pneumology
University Hospital
Carl Gustav Carus
Ralf Lissel
Head of the
State association ph e.V.
Maria Kretschmer
Project Administration
Clinical Research
Radisson Blu Park Hotel
Conference Centre
Nizzastr. 55, 01445 Radebeul
Please register via the form below.
08:30 Opening of industrial exhibition
09:00 Welcome
D. Koschel
09:05 Rare lung diseases
D. Koschel/M.Kolditz
09:10 Non-tuberculous mycobacteria - an update.
M. Kolditz, Dresden
09:30 Discussion
09:35 Not everything that sizzles is IPF -.
Genetic causes of fibrosing ILDs!
09:55 Discussion
10:00 Pulmonary complications after lung transplantation
J. Gottlieb
10:20 Discussion
10:25 Coffee break & industry exhibition
10:55 Pulmonary hypertension
M. Halank/P.Sick
11:00 When and which therapy in patients
with PAH without relevant comorbidities?
T. Lange, Bad Reichenhall
11:20 Discussion
11:25 How to treat patients with PAH and pulmonary and/or cardiac
comorbidities and how to treat patients with group 2 or group 3 PH?
R. Ewert, Greifswald
11:45 Discussion
11:50 Therapy of chronic thromboembolic lung disease
with and without pulmonary hypertension
H.-J. Seyfarth, Leipzig
12:10 Discussion
12:15 Break & Industry Exhibition
12:45 Rare pneumological differential diagnoses
D. Koschel
12:50 DD Lung carcinoma: Rare causes of pulmonary round foci and
space occupying lesions
T. Plönes, Dresden/Cowig
13:10 Discussion
13:15 DD Asthma/COPD: Rare tracheal and bronchial diseases
S. Eisenmann, Halle
13:35 Discussion
13:40 DD Pneumonia: Rare causes of pulmonary infiltrates
F. Bonella, Essen
14:00 Discussion
14:05 Farewell
14:15 End of the event
Scientific direction
Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Koschel
Director Pneumology
East German Lung Center ODLZ
Head of Pneumology
Medical Clinic and Polyclinic I
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Pneumology
Specialist Hospital Coswig
Lung Center
PD Dr. med. Michael Halank
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
Medical Clinic and Polyclinic I
Senior Physician, Pneumology Department / Head of PH Outpatient Clinic
Ralf Lissel
Saxony regional association ph e.V.