Innovation Center ● Prof. Dr. phil. Dirk Lindemann
Prof. Dr. phil. Dirk Lindemann
Dresden University of Technology
Medical Faculty
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Virology
Medical-Theoretical Center (MTZ)
Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
Phone +49 351 458 6210
Fax +49 351 458 6310
Short Vita
Professional background:
- since 2008: Professor of Molecular Virology, Institute of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden
- 2002-2008: Group Leader, Institute of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden
- 1998-2002: Group Leader at the Institute of Virology and Immunobiology, University of Würzburg, Germany
- 1996-1997: Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Virology and Immunobiology, University of Würzburg, Germany
- 1993-1996: Postdoctoral researcher at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, USA
- 1992: PhD in Cell Biology, University of Basel, Switzerland
Research and development
- Analysis of viral and cellular protein interaction during particle morphogenesis and virus entry.
- Interaction of retroviruses with the innate immune system.
- Functional analysis of viral capsids and glycoproteins and their role in infection and particle release.
- Development of novel retroviral vector systems.
- Development and application of viral transfer systems for genome editing tools.
- Retrovirology
- Retroviral vector systems for gene therapy
- Molecular virology
- Genome editing tools